
What is the True-Surface® Trekker™?

The True-Surface® Trekker™ is the True-Surface® line of products that attach to walk-behind greens mower. The Trekker™ product line consists of two separate products:

        • True-Surface® Trekker™ Vibe V

        • True-Surface® Trekker™ Greens Care Collection

Which brand of walk-behind greens mowers do they fit?

        • Toro Flex 21

        • John Deere 220E-Cut

        • Jacobsen Eclipse

Can True-Surface® Trekker™ products also attach to triplex greens mowers?

No. True-Surface® Trekker Vibe V™ and the True-Surface® Trekker Greens Care Collection are both specifically designed to fit only walk-behind greens mowers. If you need to attach to a triplex unit, please refer to any of our True-Surface® triplex attachment products:

Will I need to use parts from my walk behind greens mower to attach True-Surface Trekker products?

No. True-Surface® products come complete with all drive hardware included, eliminating the need for your cutting unit parts.

How much do they weigh?

        • True-Surface® Trekker™ Vibe V™ – 85 lbs

        • True-Surface® Trekker™ Greens Care Collection frame – 51 lbs.

Trekker™ Greens Care Collection Inserts:

        • Vacu-Cutter™ – 17 lbs

        • Vacu-Groomer™ – 13 lbs

        • Vacu-Brush™ – 10 lbs

        • Vacu-Scarifier™ – 14 lbs

        • Greens Spiker – 59 lbs

        • Star Slitter – 45 lbs

        • Deep Slicer – 12 lbs

        • NV Roller – 74 lbs; 38 lbs removable weight can be added

Why do you use vibration in the True-Surface® Trekker™ Vibe V™?

The True-Surface® Trekker™ Vibe V™ uses vibration for three basic reasons:

        1. Controllable Results – True-Surface® Vibratory Greens Rollers use vibratory action to deliver controllable results. By varying the speed of your triplex motor and adjusting the Select-A-Vibe™ Dial, you can create consistently true conditions on your golf course greens. Conditions become so accurate you can provide greens within 2-4 inches of each other in a stimpmeter reading.

        2. A Lightweight Product – Using vibration keeps us very lightweight. The Trekker™ Vibe V™ weighs about the same as your cutting reels. This means you can achieve healthy greens without adding stress to your triplex hydraulic motor.

        3. Versatility – Using vibration gives the Trekker™ Vibe V™ more versatility than any other golf course greens roller. Its adjustable vibratory action allows you to roll for turf health, speed, and consistency, while also letting you vibrate-in sand topdressing, remove dew, and smooth the greens after core aerification. No other greens roller gives you so many options!

How does the True-Surface® Trekker™ Greens Care Collection work?

The True-Surface® Trekker™ Greens Care Collection  consists of one frame that will attach directly to your walk-behind greens mower. It has 12 different interchangeable inserts designed to fit inside that frame. To ensure a secure fit, the True-Surface® Trekker™ loads its inserts from the top of the frame – eliminating risk of dropping out and damaging your greens. Each True-Surface® insert can be lifted out of the frame with ease and replaced with another insert. With 12 interchangeable inserts to choose from, you will be certain to find a greens care tool that fits your needs!